Player Roster
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Last Name | First Name | Affiliation | Handle |
Adamski | Ben | Spearfish Canyon Country Club | Ben Adamski |
Ainslie | Andy | Golf Club at Red Rock | Andy Ainslie |
Anderson | Chad | Spearfish Canyon Country Club | Chad Anderson |
Awe | Ken | Lee Park Golf Course | Ken Awe |
Barnes | Chris | Golf Club at Red Rock | Chris Barnes |
Bauman | Matt | Spearfish Canyon Country Club | Matt Bauman |
Beebe | Blake | Meadowbrook Golf Course | Blake Beebe |
Birrenkott | Matt | Elks 1187 Golf Course | Matt Birrenkott |
Bishop | Rick | Elmwood Golf Course | Rick Bishop |
Bixler | David | Fisher Grove Country Club | David Bixler |
Bleil | Mike | Bakker Crossing Golf Course | Mike Bleil |
Boos | Taylor | Meadowbrook Golf Course | Taylor Boos |
Booth | Patrick | Prairie Green Golf Course | Patrick Booth |
Bot | Carl | Moccasin Creek Country Club | Carl Bot |
Bramer | Travis | Prairie Winds Golf Club | Travis Bramer |
Braun | Cory | Elkhorn Ridge Golf Club | Cory Braun |
Brust | Matt | Lee Park Golf Course | Matt Brust |
Buche | Brad | Lakeview Golf Course | Brad Buche |
Buntrock | Kelly | Golf Club at Red Rock | Kelly Buntrock |
Burg | Jeff | Springs Country Club | Jeff Burg |
Burr | Bill | Elkhorn Ridge Golf Club | Bill Burr |
Burr | Danny | Boulder Canyon Country Club | Danny Burr |
Chasing Hawk | Ed | Boulder Canyon Country Club | Ed Chasing Hawk |
Christensen | Bruce | Hillsview Golf Course | Bruce Christensen |
Christensen | Drew | Par Mar Valley Country Club | Drew Christensen |
Christensen | Tyler | Willow Run Golf Course | Tyler Christensen |
Christman | Justin | Golf Club at Red Rock | Justin Christman |
Clarke | Scott | Elks 1187 Golf Course | Scott Clarke |
Conzet | Steve | Arrowhead Country Club | Steve Conzet |
Crowson | John | Elks 1187 Golf Course | John Crowson |
Dawson | Jake | Fisher Grove Country Club | Jake Dawson |
Dehne | Rodney | Cattail Crossing Golf Course | Rodney Dehne |
DeLeon | Michael | Golf Club at Red Rock | Michael DeLeon |
Dohrer | Chris | Moccasin Creek Country Club | Chris Dohrer |
Dowden | Lucas | Bakker Crossing Golf Course | Lucas Dowden |
Ebach | Mark | Hart Ranch Golf Course | Mark Ebach |
Eliason | Brian | Wild Oak Golf Course | Brian Eliason |
Enderby | Bill | Spearfish Canyon Country Club | Bill Enderby |
Evenson | Tyler | Arrowhead Country Club | Tyler Evenson |
Farrar | Kelly | Arrowhead Country Club | Kelly Farrar |
Ferreira | Duncan | Lee Park Golf Course | Duncan Ferreira |
Fippin | Greg | Elks 1187 Golf Course | Greg Fippin |
Fischer | Joe | Lee Park Golf Course | Joe Fischer |
Fish | James | Lee Park Golf Course | James Fish |
Ford | Wes | Fisher Grove Country Club | Wes Ford |
Frederick | John | Elmwood Golf Course | John Frederick |
Frederick | Luke | Elmwood Golf Course | Luke Frederick |
Freimark | Todd | Prairie Winds Golf Club | Todd Freimark |
Fuegen | Lance | Golf Club at Red Rock | Lance Fuegen |
Gabrielson | Dan | Meadowbrook Golf Course | Dan Gabrielson |
Gallegos | Daniel | Meadowbrook Golf Course | Daniel Gallegos |
Gourneau | Joe | Lee Park Golf Course | Joe Gourneau |
Gromer | Brent | Golf Club at Red Rock | Brent Gromer |
Grosz | Brett | Hart Ranch Golf Course | Brett Grosz |
Grupe | Ben | Meadowbrook Golf Course | Ben Grupe |
Gustafson | David | Arrowhead Country Club | David Gustafson |
Hanisch | Scott | Rocky Run Golf Course | Scott Hanisch |
Hayes | Bill | Meadowbrook Golf Course | Bill Hayes |
Heig | Nick | Golf Club at Red Rock | Nick Heig |
Helms | Corey | Lee Park Golf Course | Corey Helms |
Hermanson | Samuel | Golf Club at Red Rock | Samuel Hermanson |
Hieb | Austin | Moccasin Creek Country Club | Austin Hieb |
Hieb | Jack | Moccasin Creek Country Club | Jack Hieb |
Hitt | Jeremy | Prairie Green Golf Course | Jeremy Hitt |
Horning | Charlie | Prairie Winds Golf Club | Charlie Horning |
Horning | Dustin | Meadowbrook Golf Course | Dustin Horning |
Hullinger | Brodie | Brookings Country Club | Brodie Hullinger |
Hylland | Scott | Elmwood Golf Course | Scott Hylland |
Johnson | Tom | Meadowbrook Golf Course | Tom Johnson |
Jorgensen | Brian | Moccasin Creek Country Club | Brian Jorgensen |
Keeton | Michael | Hillsview Golf Course | Michael Keeton |
Korn | Josh | Valley View Golf Course | Josh Korn |
Kramer | Trent | Lee Park Golf Course | Trent Kramer |
Krueger | Barry | Springs Country Club | Barry Krueger |
Krueger | Dustin | Arrowhead Country Club | Dustin Krueger |
Krush | Brad | Meadowbrook Golf Course | Brad Krush |
LaRive | Ryan | Meadowbrook Golf Course | Ryan LaRive |
Larson | Eric | Moccasin Creek Country Club | Eric Larson |
Lees | John | Meadowbrook Golf Course | John Lees |
Lees | Thane | Meadowbrook Golf Course | Thane Lees |
Lesselyoung | Jon | Golf Club at Red Rock | Jon Lesselyoung |
Mahlke | TJ | Eureka Municipal Golf Course | TJ Mahlke |
Mallery | Jamie | Bakker Crossing Golf Course | Jamie Mallery |
McVay | Jamie | Golf Club at Red Rock | Jamie McVay |
Mendoza | Adrian | Meadowbrook Golf Course | Adrian Mendoza |
Mendoza | Rob | Meadowbrook Golf Course | Rob Mendoza |
Messick | Ryan | Golf Club at Red Rock | Ryan Messick |
Meyerink | Jason | Wild Oak Golf Course | Jason Meyerink |
Meyerink | Jeff | Lakeview Golf Course | Jeff Meyerink |
Milliken | Jamie | Belle Fourche CC | Jamie Milliken |
Mischke | Seth | Spearfish Canyon Country Club | Seth Mischke |
Mulz | Jeff | Elks 1187 Golf Course | Jeff Mulz |
Nankivel | Dann | Meadowbrook Golf Course | Dann Nankivel |
Nelson | Jared | Elks 1187 Golf Course | Jared Nelson |
O'Kennedy | Koos | Lee Park Golf Course | Koos O'Kennedy |
O'Neal | Bryan | Hart Ranch Golf Course | Bryan O'Neal |
Olson | Clint | Elmwood Golf Course | Clint Olson |
Payne | Eric | Moccasin Creek Country Club | Eric Payne |
Petersen | Kurt | Elmwood Golf Course | Kurt Petersen |
Peterson | Scott | Meadowbrook Golf Course | Scott Peterson |
Pfeiffer | Max | Moccasin Creek Country Club | Max Pfeiffer |
Pinkman | Brad | Moccasin Creek Country Club | Brad Pinkman |
Prostrollo | Casey | Prairie Green Golf Course | Casey Prostrollo |
Pruner | Zac | Bakker Crossing Golf Course | Zac Pruner |
Rachetto | Tyler | Arrowhead Country Club | Tyler Rachetto |
Rau | Brian | Moccasin Creek Country Club | Brian Rau |
Rempp | Joe | Bakker Crossing Golf Course | Joe Rempp |
Ruiz | Rolando | Golf Club at Red Rock | Rolando Ruiz |
Rummel | Floyd | Madison Country Club | Floyd Rummel |
Ruzicka | Rocky | Belle Fourche CC | Rocky Ruzicka |
Salter | Jeff | Golf Club at Red Rock | Jeff Salter |
Schaffer | Mark | Fisher Grove Country Club | Mark Schaffer |
Schnabel | Jared | Lakeview Golf Course | Jared Schnabel |
Schneider | Eli | Meadowbrook Golf Course | Eli Schneider |
Schulte | Bryan | Golf Club at Red Rock | Bryan Schulte |
Sigmund | Brandon | Lakeview Golf Course | Brandon Sigmund |
Strand | Corey | Arrowhead Country Club | Corey Strand |
Stroh | Shawn | Lee Park Golf Course | Shawn Stroh |
Swanson | Jeremie | Bridges at Beresford Golf Course | Jeremie Swanson |
Swartz | Mike | Hart Ranch Golf Course | Mike Swartz |
Taylor | James | Golf Club at Red Rock | James Taylor |
Thompson | Brennan | Elmwood Golf Course | Brennan Thompson |
Tines | Shayne | Elks 1187 Golf Course | Shayne Tines |
Tipton | Shane | Golf Club at Red Rock | Shane Tipton |
Turner | Lucas | Bakker Crossing Golf Course | Lucas Turner |
Vavra | Greg | Springs Country Club | Greg Vavra |
Walker | Scott | Golf Club at Red Rock | Scott Walker |
Walter | Aaron | Madison Country Club | Aaron Walter |
Weisbeck | Jordan | Eureka Municipal Golf Course | Jordan Weisbeck |
Wendling | Joshua | Two Rivers Golf Club | Joshua Wendling |
Wendt | Tod | Elmwood Golf Course | Tod Wendt |
White | Luke | Golf Club at Red Rock | Luke White |
Wiessner | Kevin | Bakker Crossing Golf Course | Kevin Wiessner |
Willette | Joel | Cattail Crossing Golf Course | Joel Willette |
Witlock | Scott | Lee Park Golf Course | Scott Witlock |
Wodzinski | Pete | Bakker Crossing Golf Course | Pete Wodzinski |